• Told you I’ll be back…

    Hosea 4:6 / Isaiah 5:13






  • Whatch my video






  • The moment of impact…

    Fuck 2020!

    Our father in heaven…

    If you don’t believe…

    I am the truth, the light and live who became the word

    Believe the lies’s of Peter

    The missing piece of the puzzle, search an find, knock an the door will be opened, if you ask the father for a bread will he give you a stone? This is the end…

    The 24th last letter of the Greek Alphabet

    We just tell ourselves a new story, from the old normal to the new normal…

    No one will be left behind, or I will shoot you with my fucking arrow…

    Or I will show you how a real qeueer behaves…

    Plan B

    Animals…. the clock is ticking…







  • Β·

    Fuck you!

    The bad guy…

    If you don’t listen, let me show you how a real queer behaves…

    The miracle…

    Go limitless…

    Well singing is not my talent… sorry…






  • The clock is ticking…

    Hold my hand…

    Hold hands…

    Because one day…

    A new world, the judge and the jury…

    Or else…

    So let’s rise again…

    let’s get high on XTC…

    Born again…

    Now believe again! or else…







  • Β·

    The United Nations and other organisation have set 17 goals

    As you watch my video it starts with the effect the pandemic had on food security. Food is the first primary need for people to feel safe and in a world that looses itself in fear it’s safety first. So although the United Nations has 17 goals, I just have one: Safety first. That is why I start with goal nr. 2. To end hunger we need to produce food and distribute it. Russia is the biggest country and in need of seeds. The seeds of today need less resources from the soil they grow into and produce more value.

    We believe that knowledge is owned by institutions or companies, but it’s not: it is called openscience

    Because my goal is safety you could also change this word to peace. As I have explained before, Vladimir Putin made a change to the Domain Name System. More information about the internet.

    The Russian version of Yandex made that change harmless and had to flee to Israel and based their company in the Netherlands. As of yesterday the Dutch sold the company back to Putin for 5 billion euro’s, so now he is paying to get fucked in the ass and he is going to like it πŸ˜‰

    The idea is to put western companies on the Yandex map to demolish the invisible iron curtain. And I will start with the company Herbalife and all people involved. I will errect a website where people can buy the products, but also become partner and earn comission up to 50%. I will also provide them with advice how to set up a company and which bookeeping program to use and which payment solution is the best. Also I will sell the the chatfeature so that custumors can buy trough the app or ask advice. The app will also provide the life cauches with advice on how to sell and how to improve people’s lives.

    Last but not least we will put their business on the different maps, but especially the map from Yandex.






  • The same message as 2000 years ago, but the clock is ticking… tik tak, tik tak…

    Wakey, wakey! piep piep piep, wake the fuck up! In december 2019 the Chinese autorities detected a new virus…. the alarmbells were about to start ringing and humanity was put on hold, lockdown. Everybody stay at home, stop what you are doing. Stand still, reflect, stay alert, control the virus….

    at the same time something else happened: The green deal






    As humanity was put on hold, nature blossemed

    And their is hope at the end of the horizon

    A new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract, a new social contract.

    Did I make myself fucking clear?








  • Β·

    Our prayer








    • A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief or expectation that can influence an individual’s behaviours and lead to the realisation of that belief.
    • It is also known as the Pygmalion effect, where one’s expectations about a situation or outcome can shape one’s actions, eventually bringing about that expected outcome.
    • ​The core idea behind a self-fulfilling prophecy is that an individual’s belief or perception of what will happen can drive their behaviours, which, in turn, cause that belief to become a reality.1
    • For example, if a student believes they will fail an exam, they may put in less effort to study, ultimately leading to poor performance and fulfilling their initial belief of failure.
    • Self-fulfilling prophecies can significantly impact various aspects of life, including relationships, academic performance, and professional success, as they can shape an individual’s attitudes, actions, and outcomes.

    I was born in a barn on a animalfarm in 1989 in a town called Barn, because my parents didn’t have enough money I got only registred when they owned a home themselves in 1994. According to the register I was registred in 1990 and my place of birth was Barneveld, not Barn. All my youth I smiled, laughed and had fun. I was the happy kid….

    It was my survival strategy, because I was constantly violently abused. In 2018 I had to face reality. I had my own company, but after 2 day’s staring at my screen not being able to read or remember a whole sentence I knew something was really wrong and went to the doctor. After a few trials I ended up in a mental institution called U-center. I was diagnosed with 8 different disorders. I lost my company, my friends, my family, my home and income. I was officially homeless and drowning in debt.

    I never knew what love was, but lucky me I had an older sister who went into a depression when being pregnant of her first child. She knew what happened during our childhood. I didn’t, because a human brain pushes trauma away like an inactive memory, like it never happened. Through EMDR I remembered a few moments. One of them was when my father had kicked and kicked me I was in my room crying and my sister sat next to me and hold her arm arround me and said: ‘he never should have done that’.

    When you watch my Christmas Message you hear the words: ‘we know what happened in 2020, now let’s imagine 2021’. Because no one knows what happened in 2019, well people think they know a new virus was detected, but in reality something or better said; someone was detected; patient zero.

    My life was hopeless and I was only 30 years old and I thought to myself no way in hell this is what my life is going to be. I followed all therapies availeble, but nothing changed the way I felt; depressed. I though no wonder; I am confronted with my shitty life day in day out, how can I ever feel better so that I will be able to work again and change my curcumstances.

    Then I remembered the moment my father kept kicking and hitting me with such violence that I did not think I was going to die, but I knew. Instead of fealing the fear of death I felt peace. That made me realise how the humanmind deals with unbeareble fear; it lies. In 2019 I was taking anti depression already for 1,5 year and I knew if I would stop cold turkey my body would scream in a state of emergency after 3 day’s, so I recorded myself a video message saying: ‘Peter, you know you can do this, you have learned enough and this is true because you say this is true and when you hear me say the truth you will hear that it is true, but if you don’t…..

    What I did here: I lied to myself and gave myself no other choice to believe, because else my body and mind would think it would die. So I believed the lie.

    After my first day at work their was an extra long news edition on the news about the outbreak of a new coronovirus…..






  • Visualisation

    Being human takes up a lot of time, and during that time, we mainly invest in the things that are important to us. Christmas is celebrated in different ways, but if we go back in time, it was already celebrated before the invention of Santa Claus and the elves or Jesus Christ and his 12… uhm no 13 + 1 apostles and was called the festival of light, celebrated on the shortest day and the longest night. At least if you live in the northern part of the globe, because it’s the exact opposite for people in the other half: the longest day and the shortest night, this contradiction is because this planet is round and not flat. Most people are aware of that and believe they are much brighter than those who lived before them, but those people didn’t have smart devices like smartphones and had to think, imagine and do research for themselves. Now, people believe they rely on smart devices and have lost the ability to think, reason, use logic, imagine, reimagine, and research. Everyone has all the knowledge of the world in their hand, but all they do is take pictures to post on Facebook or Instagram; we have become Apes with smartphones. ‘Successful’ people mostly have a problematic history, but what they also mostly have in common is they read books. But we have a problem, a huge problem; if we don’t act, the human race will end because of their self-destructive ways. It is time to illuminate humanity through simplification. Nikola Tesla knew the answer:

    The emergency

    On 9/11 2001 mankind all over the world stood and watched how 2 planes crashed into the twin towers and a 3th hit the pentagon. 911 is the numer you call when their is an emergency; like in the Netherlands and most other countries in Europe it is 112 (1+1=2). I am Dutch and a Dutch person is never rude, for the simple reason that we are Dutch and are the most rational and direct people on this planet. If I say you have a fat ass, I am not rude; I simply state out the truth about how fat your ass is. And Dutch people use statistics; numbers. When the twin towers collapsed a few thousand people died, but when the USA declared war on the Islamic world total countries and societies were distroyed, thousands, millions of people lost their home, their income their safety. The USA has fought many wars and a lot of people suffer from PTSS. If you look at the statistics the USA stand on the first place when it comes to criminality, suicide and mental illness. The problem is they believe they are a worlpower, but are aware they are loosing that status. That is why the most stupid man alive named Dondald Duck, uhhh correction Donald Trump, managed to become president of the USA. This is the emergency, the USA is sick and their sickness spreads like a virus through the world and they need to be stopped, corrected. War, guns, bombs are not the answer to peace; safety is. And that is the lesson we all needed to learn from the pandemic of 2019: safety first.

    What is safety?

    Humans have desires, but those desires have no end and fulfilling a desire does not give any person safety. Humans have needs and their is a difference of definition between the word desire and need. We call those needs: primary needs. First it is food; people need a full stomach and the prospect that their belly will be filled the nex day and the day after tommorow. The second need is shelter. People need wall with a roof over their head with a place where they can find rest. That place most people call home, but a home does not nessaserly mean that they have to own it or that this home has to be in a specific place or state, but what is important is that the location of their ‘home’ is located in a safe enviroment. No war, no criminality, no shooting, no alarms. Because their home needs to be a place to rest and resting we can only do in peace.

    The first scene

    That is why the first scene of my video shows the link about the effect of the pandemic on the world hunger but since nobody cared, although everyone told themselves they did what they did for the other person and showed the symbol of love; we all lived, loved and we lied. The consequence is; things got worse.

    And God said: ”let their be light”, and their was light

    The mayor world religions are based on the first 5 books written by Mozes. Thousand of years ago Egypt emerged as a succesfull civilisation, but they were not the only one. The homo sapiens had evolved by developing speach and at the same time the other human-like spieces disappeared from the earth and the homo sapiens started farming. When they met eachother the exchanged stories, stories about their gods. What the succesfull civilisations had in common; they believed everything. So for every new God a temple was made and because they knew their was alway’s a God they had not heard about they also build a temple for the ‘unknown’ God. They believed that worshipping these Gods was the reason for their prosperity, but in fact it were the workers or slaves that were the engine of their economy. But what happens to humans that live in terrible curcamstances? they multiply, so Egypt killed all newborn babies of their slaves in order to control the population. But the leader of Egypt made a mistake; he believed he was God himself, but was also aware of all the other Gods. Mozes uged this against him and told the Farao that the God of Izaak, Abraham and Jacob had commanded that the Farao had to free the slaves. This God was a new God for the Farao and mostly likely one of the unkown Gods. At the same time he brought the same message to the slaves; that the God of their forefathers had promised them freedom. And then it started to happen; the slaves started to rebel and the Egyptians took even harder measures, which made the slaves rebel even harder, because Mozes did not give up; and preached believe and fear and kept doing it. And he won. How? He understood the humanmind; Mozes was the most itelligent person alive: Homo Deus.

    Are they not people in your opinion?

    Well, my answer I have already given; you are apes with smartphones. But are you people, yes you are; but you have no clue what it means to be human. Mozes had evolved from a Homo sapiens to a Homo Deus and when people asked him: ‘what is the name of that God you speak of’ and his answer was I AM. His answer was a riddle, because God has no name, but people need to give everything a name; so the name of God is IAM. Steve Job did not only provide us with smartphones, but with instruction how to become smart ourselves, because his favorit book was an autobiography of a yogi.

    The new testament

    Many believe the new testament evolves arround Jesus, but it does not. It started with John and like Mozes began to tell a story about the beginning, so did he.

    A star is born

    In 2018 a movie was released: A star is born. And something else happened in 2018; The Russian Federation invaded Syria and what they found their was the autobiography of Jezus christ and they translated it in 2 languages: Russian and Dutch. The Autobiography of Jesus Christ‘ is a book written by Russian author Oleg Zobern. The book presents an alternative life story of Jesus of Nazareth, in which Jesus does not die on the cross. The book is presented as the original manuscript, provided by the author Oleg Zobern. Oleg Zobern is a Russian author born in 1980 in Moscow. He graduated from the A.M. Gorki Literary Institute and has additional qualifications.Β He is the author of ‘De autobiografie van Jezus Christus‘, which offers a unique perspective on the life of Jesus. De autobiografie van Jezus Christus‘ is a 496-page paperback book translated into Dutch by Arie van der Ent. The book is available for purchase online and in bookstores.

    The road to Damascus

    As the story goes Jezus had 12 apostles, 12 exactly because that was the prophecey, only they were one man down, so they threw the dice and so became the 11, 12 again. The poor guy was send of somewhere to Ethopia, never be heard of again and probably eaten by cannibals. Jezus was not a Christian, but a Jew and tried to fulfill the Jewish laws. Any Jew who believed Jezus was the Messiah was executed. One of the executionairs was Saul. On his way to Damascus he saw ‘the light’ after an horrible accident. After that he changed his name into Paul, bribed some Romans to get Roman citizinship and spread the Gospel into the Roman Empire. A few centeries later when a new religion; Christianity was implemented as state religion; Peter was the first pope of Rome. One could ask; why not Paul? The answer: nobody was allowed that quistion, because the answer would be the end of the religion. But of course people who studied Latin raised their eyebrows and started to ask quistion and did not like the answers. This was the cause of the first an biggest rapture. From no on you had 2 popes; one seated in Rome and the other one in Moskou.

    The 2 popes

    If you become queen of England, you become it for life. The same goes for becoming a pope… only what happened recently?

    Saint Francis of Assis

    • Saint Francis of Assisi was born circa 1181-1182 in the town of Assisi, Italy.
    • As a youth, he was known for his lively and worldly lifestyle, enjoying parties, drinking, and seeking military glory.
    • In 1202, Francis took part in a war between Assisi and Perugia, was captured, and spent nearly a year imprisoned. This experience, as well as a serious illness, led him to reevaluate his life.
    • After a vision in which he heard Christ command him to “repair my house”, Francis renounced his wealthy lifestyle and devoted himself to Christianity.
    • He began repairing abandoned churches, embraced poverty, and eventually attracted a following who became the Franciscan order.
    • Francis received a divine calling to “preach repentance” and live by the Gospel teachings of Christ.
    • By 1209, Francis had 12 followers, and they received papal approval for their new religious Rule.
    • Over the next decade, the Franciscan order grew rapidly to around 5,000 members, spreading across Europe.
    • Francis continued to preach and perform miracles, having a powerful impact on many people.
    • In 1224, Francis reportedly received the stigmata – the visible wounds of Christ.
    • He suffered from various illnesses in his final years, and died on October 4, 1226 in Assisi.
    • Just two years later, Pope Gregory IX canonized Francis as a saint, and his legacy continued to spread.
    • St. Francis is the patron saint of animals, ecologists, and Italy, celebrated for his radical devotion to poverty, prayer, and imitating the life of Christ. ((64)-(65))

    The rebellion church of the Netherlands

    More and more people gained the ability to read and the chruch was falling apart. The people of the Netherlands defeated 4 dominating powers and started a Republic and building ships to conquer the world as free Dutchman, where the highest value, by law was how to worship God, or not. The Dutch invented true freedom; back to the Egyptians, where all believes counted the same even the ones that were unknown.

    God is death

    What Nietzsche was trying to argue is that the biggest problem was: we lost believe


    But evolution, creation is never finished… Holdon, we are almost their. If we all keep following the rules….
